August 7th • 2 min read
#Career #Leadership #Contract work #Employment #Corporate culture #Workplace

Employee Engagement: Self-Empowerment and Sustainable Leadership

The cost of employee disengagement is shockingly underrated. Whether it be sick leave, insomnia, burnout, poor focus, overwhelmed or just poor mental health it takes a staggering toll. Work performance is suffering and it’s getting worse. Digital Taylorism is a modern management trend to maximize efficiency through standardization. It can lead to flawless performance, optimized productivity and hyper-efficiency, but at what cost?
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The cost of employee disengagement is shockingly underrated. Whether it be sick leave, insomnia, burnout, poor focus, overwhelmed or just poor mental health it takes a staggering toll. Work performance is suffering and it’s getting worse. Digital Taylorism is a modern management trend to maximize efficiency through standardization. It can lead to flawless performance, optimized productivity and hyper-efficiency, but at what cost?


Creating a performance-driven culture is important to achieving successful business outcomes. And so is the need to prioritize employee engagement in order to create extraordinary results. Humans by nature are achievers. Managing human capital isn’t just about extracting maximum value today at the risk of burnout. People are an organization’s greatest asset. Progressive companies realize the need to create an environment where people are united by a shared purpose and spend their time contributing to making a difference.


Accountability and freedom of execution. 

There are many elements that go into ensuring human needs are met and employees go home feeling fulfilled. Inspired by Isaac Getz’s research on organizational behaviour, we can address employee engagement across five main pillars:*


  1. Inspired. Shared vision and sense of purpose to contribute to something bigger than themselves.
  2. Team. Nurture a feeling of equality where people are united by purpose rather than divided by issues.
  3. Respect. Create a considerate working environment that fosters honesty and sharing of ideas.
  4. Contribution. Allow people to play to their strengths using their unique skills for good.
  5. Culture. Culture trumps values. It needs to be clearly defined and people need to live and breathe it.


Employee motivation comes in many forms. 

Douglas McGregor from MIT looks at human motivation and control in two ways. The X Theory believes that humans are inherently lazy and will only be productive when forced to do so. The Y Theory believes that humans enjoy work due to self-actualization and autonomy which are part of essential human needs. By creating the right environment that feeds the Y theory, companies will be able to achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people. Employees will be willing to go the extra mile because they find personal satisfaction within it.


Self-fulfillment comes from the inside. 

Most managers have asked themselves how to motivate their teams. Some look externally to rewards, money and benefits, but the truth is that motivation is personal and internal. One way to help is by unleashing someone’s potential in line with their capabilities, aspirations and personal goals in a way that’s also aligned with business priorities. This is where the sweet spot lies. Creating a rewarding working environment that brings out the best in individuals while also contributing to achieving business outcomes is the key. 


Maslow examines employee engagement. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs provides a great framework for organizations and leaders wanting to inspire professional success for employees and businesses alike. All organizations would soar to unbelievable heights if they could figure out the recipe to creating a highly engaged workforce. Depending on where your employees sit on the chart today, a more realistic goal is to simply raise the bar. Start by taking an assessment of where employees are and build a plan to elevate them to the next stage. 

The right person at the right seat. 

An important part of unlocking potential is to ensure people are able to contribute their unique skills every day. At Easy Skill we believe it’s critical to ensure the right person is at the right place inside the company. It’s a bit like a sports team where each player has their position and it needs to align with their skills. By getting your starting line-up right, you can ensure the energy inside your team is high, people feel proud of their work and excited to show up. Prioritizing human dignity over money alone is actually the way to achieve unparalleled productivity and better profits. 21% more productivity to be exact. Employee engagement is a win not just for the people, but for the entire company. 

Zoé Braun

Content marketing specialist

Brand storyteller in more than just one language. She writes moving human stories and translates technical topics so they're easy to understand. Pretty nifty. She considers business is about building trust and long-lasting relationships. She gets jumpy if she doesn't get at least 3 weekly hours of sport, running, yoga, kitesurfing, - you name it!

Growth starts with individuals. Unlock the power in your people first.
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